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Bon Voyage!

brandy-rylie-welcomeBy now, you’ve probably heard the news about the changes going on at Intrinsic Care Chiropractic. If not, please allow me to introduce myself and fill you in…

My name is Rylie Miller, DC (I’m the one on the right) and as of April 15th, my partner, Brandy Lambourne, DC and I have joined the clinic as the new owners of Intrinsic Care Chiropractic.

Although I have had the opportunity to meet many of you over the past several months, I’d like to take a moment to give you a little background about myself and Dr. Brandy:

Although we relocated from South Carolina, our backgrounds diverge. I spent the majority of my life in South Carolina, growing up in Lexington, where I first began chiropractic care at the age of 11. This early experience solidified my desire to become a chiropractor, shaping my life’s trajectory. Throughout middle and high school, I immersed myself in dance, and upon entering college, I joined the dance team at the College of Charleston in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. While my time with the dance team was brief, it sparked my passion for yoga, leading me to become a certified yoga instructor.

During my college years studying Exercise Science and teaching yoga, my fascination with understanding the human body and health deepened. Following graduation, attending Sherman College of Chiropractic in my home state seemed like the natural next step. It was at Sherman College where I first crossed paths with Dr. Brandy. Originally from Montana, Dr. Brandy discovered her love for basketball during her upbringing and continued to pursue it throughout her college years at MSU-Northern, where she also earned a degree in biology. Introduced to chiropractic care at the age of 15, Dr. Brandy initially considered a career as a Physician’s Assistant but ultimately realized that chiropractic was her true calling, leading her to apply to chiropractic school in South Carolina.

Both hailing from large families, we take immense pride in being loving aunties to wonderful children and devoted pet parents to our fur-baby, Piper. Our journey through chiropractic school together has been rich with shared experiences, but what really drives us and brought us to Columbus is our dedication to serving you. Upon meeting the exceptional individuals and families at Intrinsic Care, we knew that our life’s work belonged here.

While bidding farewell to Carrie and Dr. Matthew, whom we initially encountered as sellers but have since become cherished mentors and friends, we are honored to assume responsibility for your health in their absence. As they embark on their journey to France, continuing to radiate their brilliance, we are privileged to care for you and your families.

To make this transition as easy as possible for you, our staff is staying the same, phone numbers will stay the same and you will not have to do anything to transfer your records.

Please join us June 7th from 6-8pm for a party. We will have refreshments and an opportunity to bid Bon Voyage to Carrie and Dr. Matthew, and usher in the new stage of Intrinsic Care Chiropractic.

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