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Enough of This!

This is it. This is the Stage that moves you forward from stuck. This is where you can make the rubber meet the road, if you choose.
You get to a point where you’ve got to draw a line in the sand and know this is “ENOUGH OF THIS”. As you heal, you get to a point where you realize that your health, or lack of it, has nothing to do with your circumstances, your condition, your symptoms, your diagnosis, your prognosis, your stress, your genetics, your family, your job, your upbringing, your issues, your fill-in-the-blank.
You realize that healing has nothing to do with getting rid of something, avoiding something, managing something, or preventing something. It’s about your life, and you realize that you can’t go back. In fact, you WON’T go back. Because it’s time to get real and you choose “MORE!”

jogging in woods

Your Choices Define You

Healing IS about choosing with what you’re coherent, with what you are fully aligned, with what your indelible standard is, with what you own as who you are, and with which you identify all the way down to your cells and all the way out to your soul. That with which you choose to be coherent will not allow anything else to happen. Your choices define the next chapters of the story of your life, of who you will become.

The story of your life is written on your body and expressed through your biology. There MUST be a stage in the healing process where you finally say ENOUGH OF THIS and claim to be coherent with something more.

Hopefully, you are reaching this stage. If that hasn’t happened yet, hopefully hearing this is helping you with this awareness now.

  • Your process up until now has been a gentle way of revealing where you and your nerve system have been coherent with FEAR. You’ve experienced the deer-in-the-headlights survival response and are now aware that it has dictated your health and your life. That was Stage 1. You need that part of yourself to be healthy and rarely in the driver’s seat.
  • Your process until now has been a gentle way of showing you where you and your nerve system have been coherent with your reactions. You’ve reacted to anger by saying to yourself, “This part of me is not OK!” You’ve reacted to happiness by saying to yourself, “OMG, this part of me is amazing!” That was Stage 2.  Again, you need this part of yourself to be healthy and rarely in the driver’s seat.
  • Your process has been a gentle way of revealing where you and your nerve system have been completely coherent with being STUCK. You’ve lived out a conditioned Groundhog Day of repeating the same old lack of resourcefulness when it no longer works, and honestly never did.
All of these have been building up to this place, where you have enough health, enough energy, enough emotion, enough focus, and enough grit to know that this is “ENOUGH OF THIS!” Enough of what? Enough of being incoherent with life, with authenticity, with trust, with passion, and with love. Being coherent with any one of those in your body, beliefs, and behavior would draw a line in the sand that no longer allows anything less. At this Stage, your circumstances, your condition, your symptoms, your diagnosis, your prognosis, your stress, your genetics, your family, your job, your upbringing, your issues, your fill-in-the-blank all reflect where you have been incoherent with life. That with which you are coherent shapes your body. Your biology reflects your chosen biography. It’s time to choose more than this! If you’ve had enough of being incoherent with life, you can change it now!

‘How Things Were’ Doesn’t Always Work

If you’re still thinking, “I want to go back to how things were,” remember that “how things were” didn’t work! Being coherent with how things were is why you’re here now! This is a big wake up call to finally say, “Enough of this! I’ve had enough! I’m not going to take it anymore! I choose more!” If better is coming, you can’t be coherent with going back to your past. If you choose, you have the opportunity to be coherent with pain, with issues, with fear, with inauthenticity, with distraction, and with victimhood!
Why would you want to do that when you can get coherent with life, with trust, with authenticity, with passion, with resourcefulness and with love? At this Stage, the choice IS yours. For you to move forward, two things have to happen. You have to get to the point where you say, “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!” And then you must take some ACTION. What Stage are YOU in?

You can take advantage of a process to choose “ENOUGH OF THIS,” and to align your nerve system with “MORE”. You can transmit it to your body, which likely has already chosen “ENOUGH OF THIS” well before your mind ever did. Your symptoms really are a wake-up call! Now you can choose to align your mind with your body and start moving forward faster than ever before!


Intrinsic Care Chiropractic Module | (614) 396-6945