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Your Spine and Your Emotions

By this stage you may have noticed that you’re feeling a whole range of new things and hopefully you are! It can seem surprising that what seems like such a light touch to your spine can help you feel so many more emotions, in addition to helping your body heal! Your spine is a big picture, one that gets even bigger as you partner with us in NetworkSpinal Chiropractic. How the heck does your spine relate to your emotions? And how can you support the process? Let’s embark on a brief adventure in your spine and your emotions! Let’s go!!

There are different sub-parts of your spine. Unfortunately, most people just think about their bones when they think about their spines. They think that the bones just go out of place and a chiropractor moves them back into place. And that’s really not what happens.

Your spine has three different subsystems:

  • The first subsystem is passive, and includes your bones, joints, discs, and ligaments. These are your foundation, your building blocks. The healthier this passive subsystem is, the more stable your body is. It’s resilient, sturdy! When this subsystem is unhealthy, it’s like pouring water into a sieve. Nothing good sticks!
  • The second subsystem is active. It’s your muscles! It acts on the passive system to move it! If your brain doesn’t have a clear signal as to where your bones are, it can’t properly tell your muscles what to do. If your brain can’t send a proper signal, your muscles will act in weird ways, like spasming or going limp.
  • The third subsystem is neural. This is your operating system that coordinates everything! It does this through communication – it makes sure that the literally trillions of parts of you are all working together to create vitality, passion, authenticity, trust, and living by choice in the now! In other words, health!

Your Emotional Subsystem

So what does this have to do with your EMOTIONS? A 4th subsystem is your emotional subsystem, which is a whole nerve system, a whole person system, that allows you to be dynamic, changing, and responsive to subtle changes in your environment. If there’s a communication breakdown in your nerve system, aka a “subluxation”, your body gets less responsive, less adaptable to change, and responds to life as if it’s Groundhog Day. It’s the same thing over and over, even if it doesn’t work. This is the part of you that sometimes feels as if something is “weird”, when your body starts to get healthy. It IS weird, because your brain is used to a certain “status quo”!

A lack of health is a lack of responsiveness. For example, if you were out in a field, and a lion was out there too, looking for lunch, it would be better for you to spot the lion by hearing its roar than by smelling its breath! If you can hear the roar, you can spot the lion when it’s miles away and get the heck out of its way! If you can only smell its breath, you’ll be in its mouth before you know it. Your day is about to get a whole lot worse and fast! The sicker and more stressed you are, the less responsive you are to subtle cues. You could garden all day without changing position or sit in the same chair for 8 hours without getting up, because the signals telling you to move weren’t there. If you can’t feel that something needs to change, you will damage yourself, often without even feeling it! Clearly that’s not good!

When your body, with all its subsystems, is healthy, you can respond to the vibration of sound waves from miles away rather than only chemical signals like lion breath, or worse yet, physical signals like lion teeth! Your emotional subsystem makes sure that you have the full range of emotions so you can quickly respond to the full range of things that can happen, good, bad, and indifferent, and make instant changes to keep you healthy! That’s why you need all of your emotions: anxiety emotions, anger emotions, victory emotions, celebration emotions, love emotions, the works!

Your emotions are not just in your head. They are in every cell of your body! A researcher, Dr. Candace Pert, found that you have all the molecules for every emotion always circulating throughout your body. The molecules do their job by binding to your cells via a “Lock and Key” receptor. Your cells have the locks, and your emotional molecules are the keys. If the keys fit the locks, emotions can enter your cells. The shape of your “locks” change based on the shape and needs of your cells, unless something happens to keep them stuck. If that happens, your cells can’t bind certain emotion molecules, even though they’re everywhere! If your cells can’t bind to your LOVE molecule, you can’t experience it. If your cells can only bind to the ANGER molecules, you will only experience those in your body.

Your Cells Are Connected to Your Brain

Let’s see how all of that relates to your spine! Your posture discerns the shape of your spine, which discerns the shape of your cells, which discerns the shape of the receptors. Every cell of your body is physically connected to your brain through 3-9 nerves, attached to it like strings. When your posture changes, it pulls those strings in different ways, changing the shapes of the cells, which changes the emotions they can bind. You already know this! After all, when you look at people, you can likely tell how they’re feeling from reading their faces and their posture! It’s body language!

When you’re stuck in your spinal subluxation patterns, you literally set the tone for your life. If your nerve system is stuck, so it can only bind to certain emotional chemistry, it doesn’t matter how smart or aware you are, or how hard you work at it, the background emotional tone for your life is set. And your spinal posture is the armor that you’ve put on your body, the accumulated responses to physical, psychological, and chemical stress. Your spine shares the stuck story of your life, and that biography has become your biology.

The shape, position, tension, and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension, and tone of your life. A stuck spine leads to a stuck life. A dynamic and responsive spine leads to a life that can thrive in changing times! Keeping your spine healthy with network chiropractic care helps you get the full range of your emotional experience. The healthier your spine is, the more spontaneously you’ll experience an emotional range, more ups and downs.   You don’t need to analyze it!   Just experience it and leave it behind. You can experience the subtle cues, move away from negative things before they happen, and move toward what needs to happen, because you’re responsive to what your body is telling you.  You no longer need to continue to live out Groundhog Day.  You can create the life you want, rather than having your stuck nerve system create your life!


Intrinsic Care Chiropractic Module | (614) 396-6945